Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 1st 2015

Hello once again from the Pitts!

We have had a very interesting week this week! It started with poor
elder Garland throwing up, and then consisted with him unable to leave
the apartment. . . Needless to say I got some good studies in. But
then we discovered that the other elders in our district were in a
similar situation.  One elder had hurt himself and was unable to really
move so we decided to take the two sicky's and put them together. Then we were able to actually do some work!
That was a tender mercy Cuz Being stuck in an apartment is no fun at

Luckily (another tender mercy) E. Garland got feeling better by Friday
because we had zone meeting that day. Plus we were going to have it at
the Sacred Grove so that morning we decided that we were going to do
our studies there. We got there about 8:00, and got to walk around
that sacred grove in the morning, it was beautiful and there is such a
great spirit there. I don't even know how best to describe it but it
really dawned on us how that great event that happened there so many years
ago, has had such a huge impact on my life. I thought back to the
picture that is hanging up in grandpa and grandma Browning's downstairs
bathroom of the Sacred Gove that said " the events that happened here
changed the world, let it change your life." I remember seeing that
and just thinking how much I wanted to be able to go there. And now
here I am really seeing how it has changed my life! It was just really

The weather that day could not have been better and the meeting
was great! We had a fun part that we played in the meeting.  For
part of our training we decided to reenact the story in Alma 46 of
captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty. We played the part where he
motivates the people to gather together in defense of their freedom
and they came and rent their garments and cast it at the feet of
Moroni. Well we used that as part of the training and it was awesome,
we made a title of liberty that had our purpose on it and after the story
 we gave each person a tie ( elder Garland had a lot of old  ties)
and we had them rent their ties after putting their goals of what they wanted to become on them. It was kind of fun her is a picture of us doing it! It was a cool experience! Also our district is the flower power district, thus the pink flower! :)

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