Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My Bags are packed and I'm ready to Go!! Aug. 1st 2016

See You Soon!!

Go Forth Bodly, Nobly and Indepedant July 25th 2016

Hello Everyone from good old Wellsville!

I am excited to tell you what has been happening here! We have been
seeing countless miracles and seeing a lot of progress! Elder Cummings
and I have been working as hard as we can in this great little branch,
and we are beginning to see much fruit from our labor. I know that
anything we have been able to accomplish is all due to the Lord. Without his help we couldn't do anything. Also thank you, we are feeling of your
prayers in our behalf.
First I want to talk about a lady from our branch named Sister Tears.
She is a member that hasn't come to church in almost twenty
years. The sister missionaries started to meet with her at the
beginning of this year again and when we first started meeting with
her, she was very adamant that she was going to read the bible all the
way through before she would even start to read from the Book of
Mormon. We and the Taylors, the senior couple, have been teaming up with
meeting with her and supporting her and now she has started to come to
church again! This last week when we went to visit with her, she asked
if we could do her a favor and read the chapters of the Book of Mormon
in preparation for our Book of Mormon Sunday school class! We were so
happy to do it! We read Alma 30 about Korahior and as we read you
could see her getting excited with it all!  The power of the Book of
Mormon has really grabbed hold, and it is amazing to see the changes
in her! We are going to the sites with her this week!
That was a good miracle, but what really describes how our week went
was what happened at church yesterday!
Elder Cummings and I had the great opportunity to speak in church! So
this whole week we have been inviting everyone to come! Then at
The Lipkas came!!!! They are the family we have been meeting with,
Brother Lipka is a member but hasn't been to church in ages, and his
wife and three boys all came! They looked so good, all three boys in
great plaid shirts! They really looked so good! They loved it!
Andrea came!!!! For the first time which was also amazing. She
finally made that step to come!
Eric also came! We saw him this past week and had a good lesson about
baptism and invited him to be baptized, and he accepted the challenge!
At church he came up to me and asked "I know last time we talked
about baptism, so what do I have to do to make that happen?" So we
told him! It was one of those moments that you kind of dream about.
Then there was the Lentz family that came! The Taylors have been
working with them and they are really beginning to love church!
We were basically running around to accommodate everyone! We had 9
investigators there! To add to it, there were 9 returning less
active members! My joy was so full! The branch just about doubled
yesterday! It was amazing. Elder Cummings and I were pretty nervous to
speak but it was cool once I got up to speak. I felt totally
comfortable. It really helps when you have the spirit!
I am so grateful for what blessings this gospel brings! It's
amazing to see the work go forward, and I know I will not always be
here for it. But this work will go forth Boldly, Nobly and Independent
until the great Jehovah shall say the work is done!

I can't wait to see you all!

Elder Todd Houghton

Thursday, July 21, 2016

I Looked Out the Window and What Did I See July 18th 2016

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer and making memories!
Elder Cummings and I have been crazy busy this week! There is so much going on and we have had some amazing experiences! 

In our area book there was a lady name Patricia that the previous sisters had met with.  She showed a lot of promise however due to some health issues her they were unable to get a hold of her.  We tried getting a hold of her but it was to no avail. Sunday the 10th, we made a plan that we were going to call her again and see if we could set something up with her. When, by "Coincidence", a less active member family that we had been trying to get to come to church for the past 8 weeks came and they Brought Patricia! They told us that Pat needed a place to go and so they invited her to come live with them! They asked if we could help them move on Tuesday, which we readily agreed to! 

Tuesday came and we filled up our truck and loaded almost everything of hers. After we unloaded everything we had a sit down lesson with them. Patricia told us how she has been to several churches but has never felt right about any of them. She told us about an experience she had while at church. When the second speaker got up she had an overwhelming feeling come over her where she described as if she were dead and she heard a voice say to her "You are blessed". She absolute loved it. Then during our lesson as we were describing the Apostasy and we used the analogy of the Church as a vase which fell and shattered in  many pieces and others coming and taking pieces and forming their own church. When we said that she couldn't believe it.She said she had seen what we were talking about before! She was then Blown away by the first vision. After it all we invited her to be baptized.  She said "Heck Yeah" ( that's the screened version) haha she is all for it! It was a Remarkable experience! 

Later that night we met with the Lipka family, a Family that we have started to meet with. They have been making some huge strides and they have been reading from the Book of Mormon. It was amazing!! they also have 4 young boys and they are all warming up to us as well. It is so exciting to teach a family! to top it off to they Gave us a container of homemade Laundry detergent! They are amazing!

Friday we were able to go up to The Pageant again with a bunch of the members.  They took an RV up so that was really fun. While we were there I was able to see Sister Sofia who was baptized a year ago when I was in the Pittsford ward. She is preparing to go through the temple so I am excited about that! The nice part of the RV was that I got to take a nap on the bed on the way back. One of the best things I have ever had the chance to do! :) We got back really late that night.

Saturday morning I had another very unique experience. We woke up to this Sound that was coming from outside. So we looked out the window and there were about a dozen or so Hot Air Balloons Floating past our apartment! It was So cool I felt like a little kid again! 

They had a huge Fair on the main street during the day. We had a booth on family history. it was really funny because the booths that surrounded us were on Vaping, wine, tattoos, Guns, and then for part of the time there was Concert right in front of our booth! we went from 8AM to 5.PM that day and we talked to a boat load of people literally thousands of people came for the Balloon Rally! It was amazing! One cool experience we had was we saw a lady named Anastasia that we had meet about two weeks previously on her porch, she wasn't to interested but was friendly. Well we saw her on Saturday and started to talk to her again. This time she was much more open and ended up saying " Can I ask you a question? Could I give you my phone number and have you guys come over and tell me more about the Bible and your church?" haha We said of course! and set up a time to see her on Sunday! We had a powerful lesson on the restoration, and she wants to learn more! Sometimes you just never know when someone might be ready! we just have to make sure we invite! 

Being a missionary and share the gospel really is one of the most wonderful things! how grateful I am for this wonderful and sacred privilege! I love you all so much! 
Elder Todd Houghton 

Baptize Me Alma (Favorite quote from the pageant) July 11th 2016

Hello Hello! 

I hope you have all had a wonderful week! We have had such an exciting week! It literally started with a bang! ( Because of the fireworks) 

We got to meet the new Mission President and his family on Thursday. I am very excited to see what great things he will bring for this mission. He is a powerful teacher and has a great vision of what we can accomplish through our Faith and Obedience! 

We got to go to the opening night of the Pageant on Friday with Andrea. We crammed in the back of the Moore's car and made the two hour drive up. On the way up we had a fun little experience when a cop pulled us over for speeding (in a spot where everyone speeds) and then instead of giving us a full speeding ticket he gave us a parking ticket so it wasn't as much of a fine. HaHa then as we were pulling away we saw him make a U turn and pull over someone else. That was pretty exciting. 

The Pageant was such a wonderful experience. It felt like every five feet there was someone that I knew from one of my previous areas. It was so wonderful to see them all again! The Pageant was packed that night. I haven't ever seen it that full before! It was a weird feeling as the pageant started because I felt like I had just barely been there watching it like the night before. But nope it has been a whole year. Crazy how fast time travels. Andrea seemed to like it! We are really hoping that this will be able to help her to take those steps in the right direction. We got back about 12:30 in the Morning. Its not to often when we missionaries get to do that. Needless to say it felt weird.

While I was on Exchanges With Elder Keller.

Us getting ready! 

 The Stage all ready to go

That next Morning we had a great opportunity to help a Methodist church set up for a fundraiser  festival they had going on. It is always a wonderful experience to help others. We then went to the Balloon Ralley Parade in Wellsville. It made finding people to talk to very easy because everyone was out. This upcoming Saturday they are going to launch several Hot air balloons all day. This is what Wellsville is known for and thousands of people come down for it! I am very excited for it!

One huge miracle for us was getting to meet this member that recently moved into the the branch.  His name is Tim and he is one of the funniest guys I have had a chance to be around. He recently got out of Prison about 3 weeks ago and was in there for about 13 years. He is a man that has turned his life around. He told us about the man that he used to be but now he has had a complete 180 degree  turn. He studied the Bible a lot while he was in prison and loves it and now he is going back into the Book of Mormon. He is on fire. Tim is a great man, and has been introducing us to many of his friends and family members and is already being a great missionary. Well, the neat part about this is we met a young man name Tristan who wants to turn his life around as well. It turned out he lives in the same complex as Tim and it just so happened that Tim has been helping Tristan already come unto Jesus. So last night we dropped by Tim's and asked if he wanted to join us for a lesson with Tristan and he was out the door and already walking over. haha It turned out to be a powerful lesson and Tim really helped Tristan feel more comfortable around us and he is a great fellowshiper! I am excited to see what things will come! 

Another triumph this week was that we had 8 less active members come to Church for the first time in a really long time! That was a Miracle! 
There is so much work to be done! We are running to try and do as much as we can in such little time. Honestly 2 years is really short when it comes to the Work of Salvation.

I sure love you all! Hope you have a great week.
Elder Todd Houghton

Proud to be an American July 4th 2016

Hello again! And Happy Independence Day! 

We got to enjoy a nice parade this morning, It was the largest one in Allagany county, (but I think Saint Anthony's pioneer day parade is better!) :) Tonight we will be able to enjoy a firework show as well so I am excited about that but other than that today Is another P-day.

This Week the baton has been passed as President Francis finished his service and President Evans, From Meridian Idaho, is picking it up!  It is always exciting. He seems like a great Man and we will get to meet with him this next Thursday.
We have had some fun experiences this week. One was we were meeting with a less active lady, Brenda, that lives in a cabin in the woods. Well, right as we finished meeting with her her neighbor, Denise, came over to drop off some groceries that she had gotten for Brenda and she also had her thirteen year old niece. I thought they were only going to give us a nice "how do you do?" and leave but No! Denise came over and  sat and talked with us. Her only understanding of Mormons was that of Polygamy, which we quickly cleared up. She went on to tell us many of the hard things she had been going through but now she is going upward in her spirituality. We told her how the Book of Mormon is something that strengthens our faith in Christ and how it can help us. It was weird what happened next. Denise said almost warningly to us "Here is where I will shoot you down" and  she started to ask us what she thought were difficult questions about why would we use another book (the Book of Mormon) other then the Word? We happily and calmly responded and told her how we use the Bible and Book of Mormon together. We had the chance to answer many other questions. By the end of it all we gave Denise and her niece a copy of the Book of Mormon, and set up a time to see her again this week. she told us she wouldn't have asked us those questions if she wasn't curious and that we had talked enough to satisfy some of her questions.We are excited to see what happens next! 

While on Exchanges on Saturday we had a great opportunity to help out one of our investigators on his engine. We went over got our hands dirty and got to rub shoulders with this man named Eric, He really wants to start coming to church again. And is a really good guy, I was happy we were able to help him out. It wasn't until after that I realized that he lived about a quarter of a mile from the Pennsylvanian border. We were at the very bottom corner of the mission. We snapped some pictures and then went back to work!

 We have been having so many other great experiences this week things are really going well!  I love being a missionary! There really is no greater job than to be a representative of Jesus Christ! 

I also love this country something about seeing American flags everywhere gets that patriotic spirit to swell in side of me! How grateful I am for the those who have sacrificed so much for the Freedoms we enjoy!
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your 4th of July.
Elder Todd Houghton

Ps. For the 4th of July we have Fireworks, parades, wear all assortments of red, white and blue, and barbecue late into the night to celebrate our nations independence. What do you think the Nephiets did to celebrate the day they came to the Promise land? Food For Thought. :) 

Some adorable German Shepard puppies

Another Week! June 27th 2016


Looks like you're all enjoying your summer! I hope your having lots of
chances to put on your swimming suits and enjoy the pools and beaches!

I really am enjoying this Summer! There is nothing like walking around
in the hot sun, swimming through the humid air, in my suit, shirt and
tie! I get to have the full the summer experience too! :) I am loving
it! I can't wait to tell you all of the wonderful experience I have
had! there are far to many to even count! There is nothing like
serving a mission.

Elder Cummings and I have been working hard! And we are seeing some
great things and people are coming out of the wood work. And we have
had  some interesting experiences as well!

 The first couple I want to talk about is Devin and Katie. They are a young
newly wed couple that live in the northern part of our area, so it's
a little harder to get up there. We had a meeting a few weeks ago and they said
they were interested in learning more! Elder Cumming saw them on exchanges last week and had a really good lesson teaching the restoration to them. Then we got to see them again this week and Devin was telling me how much he enjoyed their visit the week before and how he really liked that we were not forcing him into anything instead we were inviting him to learn more. They both like that.

We read through the first chapter of 1 Nephi with them. They really
enjoyed it and then, before we left, we extend a baptismal invitation
to them and as we were inviting Devin and Katie were nodding there
heads in agreement before we could even finish the invitation! Haha
the only down side is Devin is moving to Pennsylvania! So we are
coordinating with the missionaries down there to meet with him! Katie
doesn't go with him till October so we will still get to visit with

We got to go on another exchange on Saturday.  I was with Elder
Hamilton. Several of our plans fell through so our back up plan was to visit an investigator who lives in Bolivar. When we got there
they were having their annual Pioneer Oils Day Fair. So they had
blocked off all the roads and put in a huge car show! It was really
cool. We met with the investigator and taught a pretty good lesson. However, on the way back we started talking to two young men that are going to be
seniors this next year and they were really cool. As we were talking to
them this man , in a wheelchair, went past us.  He stopped and turned around
and then proceeded to "Anti" us. So here we had these two cool young
guys who were interested and an anti.  Elder Hamilton and I
instinctively split up, he distracting the anti and I with the two
young guys. I told them of the restoration which really seemed to peak
some interest and we set up a time to see them again this week! I
definitely had the better job of the two but it was cool seeing us
work together and Elder Hamilton did a great job holding off the anti.

We also were able to have another powerful lesson with Andrea. We
watched the Joseph Smith movie, and she really seemed to enjoy it so we
are seeing some good progress with her!

Today we had a reception for President and Sister Francis leaving the
mission. We had all of the Rochester and Palmyra zones come to get a
picture with president before they left. They had another one for the
Buffalo missionaries. So we had to start going at 8 to get there at
ten. It was wonderful to see President one more time before he leaves.
He really has done so much for this mission and I have learned so much
from him. I am so grateful for the Francises. It was also great to see
most of the mission. It is amazing how many relationships you make
from serving. When I first came out I literally knew no one, but now
I have met and made hundreds and hundreds of new life long friends!
I know I say it a lot but I love serving this mission!

We are seeing so many great things here in Wellsville. The work is
moving forward! I love you lots and hope you have a great week!

Elder Todd Houghton

Happy Father's Day June 20th 2016

Hello Everyone!

Happy Father's Day Dad! I can't thank you enough for your great example to me and for all the things I have learned from you! I hope you had a great breakfast yesterday, and had some good brownies after church! :)

Today officially starts my last transfer! It has blown my mind how fast this past transfer has gone. So much has happened in such a short period of time this area has had a complete 180 degree turn! I am so excited to continue to see more wonderful miracles that are in store for this next transfer!

We had a neat experience last Monday night. We were exchanging with the Dansville Elders in our district and so the middle point was at the Hornell Elders Apartment. We got there a little early and there was a beautiful sunset, so we decided we would run up the hill and try to get a better view. We succeeded and saw a beautiful sunset! We started walking back, when a lady sitting in front of her apartment said, "hello", so we went over and showed her the pictures we had just taken.  This got us onto a great conversation! Her name was Amber and as we were talking to her a young girl about 10 years old came out with her dad and said "My dad said that you go around selling church to people and so I just wanted to ask what are you guys all about?" We were Blown away but such a great question. For the next thirty minutes Elder Cummings and I did a tag team. I was talking to Amber and her Husband who later came out, and Elder Cummings was talking to this girl and her father! It was great and both were very open with having missionaries come over! When we got back to our car the other elders were freaking out thinking that we were kidnapped because we had accidentally left the phone in the car and the door was open. We thought we were only going to be 30 seconds so we didn't think about it when we left. but all was well and now Hornell has two solid families to start teaching! :)

The Beautiful Sunset

Then Next day on exchanges we saw miracle after Miracle and found so many people that were interested in learning more. That evening we had about an hour before we were going to exchange back. We were walking on the street past a church when a couple pulled up next to us and asked if we were missionaries. We said we were and they said that they were having a missionary night at their church and invited us to go with them. We figured why not, and went with them, Sam, the Husband, was wearing a Houghton College shirt so we immediately had a great connection for reasons I am sure you could guess! :) it was very interesting! They had a Preacher come from the Czech Republic to show us how the church is growing in the Czech Republic. It was nice, but I will be honest compared to what I know this church can offer it really didn't show much. for example, one idea of missionary work they had was instead of a Sunday service at church they had a bowling service to get non believers to come.  Before we left the couple that invited us said a prayer for us.   They put their hands on our shoulders and blessed us that we would have success. It was neat. 

Thursday we had our interviews with President Francis and that was a wonderful experience. He only has a little over a week left and he has done so much for this mission and for me, I really can't say enough good about him!

On Sunday we went up to Palmyra because there was a musical Fireside and I had been roped into doing a musical number. I was planning on doing a duet with one of the members from our branch but he wasn't able to do it, so I was all on my own. I Got to sing one of my favorite hymns from the Primary song book  "If the Savior Stood beside me" It was a wonderful experience and the spirit from that meeting was powerful. On the drive down to Wellsville we got to see the Fireflies come out and they were shining in the fields and the trees! It was amazing. There are so many wonderful things going on here! The work is moving froward! Miracles are happening every day!
I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Todd Houghton

My fearless district

"I See You Have a Book" June 13th 2016

Hello Hello!

I hope you are all doing well because Elder Cummings and I are doing wonderful! we have been seeing countless miracle after miracle! There really is nothing else I would rather be doing! 

We met with a nice young lady on Tuesday in the park in Wellsville.  Her name is Rhonda and she grew up as a Jehovah witness so she said  she could relate with going and knocking on doors. We started teaching her about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon  and that's when she said how she really wanted to know what we believed about life and death?-- so we switched gears and taught the plan of salvation and testified about how the Book of Mormon brings hope in our lives.  She said that she felt like she had lost hope. Elder Cummings shared a powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon and it literally almost brought me and Rhonda to tears. After that she said. " I am taking your book and I am going to read it!" and then she said, "Can we do this again?" haha it was very exciting! we plan to see her again this week! 

The Hills are doing great! We went and visited her and and her son was there! Karla the mother was telling us how she had been watching a broadcast on Joseph Smith on PBS so she could learn more. We had previously dropped off a Book of Mormon to her son the previous week with a note inviting him to come to church and when he saw us he said he got our bible and that he would like to come to church with us sometime! Great! This family is basically- Dry Mormons! They are all just wonderful people, so we are excited to see what is going to come of it all!

On Friday we were invited over to have a picnic with some of the members from our branch. They had a Campfire and everything! i was so excited! However, the best part that we weren't expecting,a  was their in-active daughter and her three children, two daughters and one son, came as well! It was perfect opportunity to socialize with their great family and the kids really warmed up to us! it was so much fun! The son is about 10 years old and reminded me of myself when I was his age.  For example, he was the only boy, played soccer and liked to read. It was really fun just talking with him.  At one point he saw the copy of the Book of Mormon I had beside me and said, "I see you have a book. What's it about?" haha it was a great question!  As it got later  we were leaving and he came and gave us all hugs! I really hope we can go somewhere with this family! 

This is the greatest Job anyone could ever have. you're not payed in money but your payment is what it says in D&C18:15-16 which is Joy! 
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Todd Houghton

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Holiness is a Life Style June 6th 2016

Hello Hello!

Another week has just flown by and we are just having a blast. I guess
the saying is true that time flies when you're having fun!
I know I say this every week but we are seeing so many miracles here!
Day after day we are seeing so many great things.  We are trying to cram as
much as we can into the short amount of time we are given, really
there is just so much work to be done and never enough time in a day
to do it!
We got to go to the temple this week for the adjusting to missionary
life meeting, it's always fun to go and see all of the missionaries
and learn from their great spirits. I really love the temple. There is
such a wonderful spiritual boost that comes from there, how I love it.
Getting to see president and sister Francis again is
always a great experience!

We are meeting many people with lots of potential, but I really want to talk about is Andrea.   We met with her for the
third time on Friday and had a wonderful lesson with her. We
always meet with her at the public library out on a terrace they have
there, and each lesson has gone really well. We taught her the plan of
Salvation and she seemed very fascinated by the plan. We also were able to
offer to go with her to the sites in Palmyra and she accepted.  She will go
with us that Sunday! :)
Saturday evening there was the adult Stake conference and
there were only four people there, us and the Moores.  Haha. Other then the Seventy that spoke my favorite talk was by a
dear black sister, she got up and wore a silver jacket that just
sparkeled in the light and she gave the most empowering talk about Holiness
I have ever heard! She talked about her conversation to the church and
how she loved the holiness of the temple, By the way she presented I
just wanted to stand and shout Hallelujah! It was empowering and not
at all what is common in our church culture. She then said how she had
only been a member for ten months.  That's when it hit me! It was the same
lady that I had had the opportunity to give her baptismal interview! I
didn't even realize it until then, but it was amazing to see the light
of Christ just fill this sister! It was a wonderful moment.

Sunday morning we had stake conference and this was not your normal
stake conference --they were calling a new stake president. Both elder
Beheshti and elder Perkins of the seventy came to reorganize the stake
presidency. We were watching the broadcast of it down here in
Wellsville, it was great and the men they have called seem like they
will do many great things for the stake, I am very excited. The sad
part was half way through Elder Beheshti's talk the sound cut out so
we could only see what was being said but could not understand
anything. They tried several times to get back on but it was to no
avail so we missed out on both of the General authorities messages. It
was a real bumber but the experience reminded me of Apostasy once we
were cut of from the revelation, we could only see with our natural
eyes and try to come up with what is being said, but once that happens
conversation turns to talking about recipes or how the lady in the
choir looks like she has puppy dog ears, or that person falling asleep! What once would of been very spiritual uplifting, fell into
mans own ways. It was an eye opening experience, don't cut yourself
from the source that gives me you enlightenment!

After that we felt a little spiritually deprived, but we were able to
make up for it. We went with the Moores and picked up Andre and we drove
the two hour drive up to Palmyra! It was a wonderful experience for
everyone! God was being very kind with the weather it rained the whole
way there and then once we got out it stopped, and then when we got to
the farm home it poured! And then once we left
out it stopped! It wasn't until we left the Hill Cumorah to come back
that it started raining again, it was such a tender mercy. Kind of a
neat experience was while we were there Elder Perkins and Elder
Beheshti came in so we got to meet and shake their hands! (I wasn't
able to hear them  that morning but I got to shake their hands!) Andrea
loved the sacred grove and also the Christis statue at the Hill. I
think she really felt some thing there! We are just really enjoying
working with Her and we wouldn't of been able to do it with out the
Moores! They really just made it a wonderful experience!
I  am constantly reminded of how much I just love being a missionary!
I am just embracing every moment!
Hope you all have a great week!
Sending love from the east!

Elder Todd Houghton

Happy Memorial Day May 30th 2016

Hello hello and Happy Memorial Day!

I am so excited for the new Parents of the family! Brooklyn looks
adorable! I can't wait to see her as well. She sure is a lucky girl to
come to such wonderful parents! I am so excited for you! I am now
exited to bear the title of Uncle!
Also congrats to the new Grad of the Family! Jenn if I could have been
there I would have!
It also sounds like you all had a full week! I am grateful
every one is alive and well!

We too, here in New York, have had very busy and exciting week! We
have just been seeing countless miracles and also have been having so
many interesting moments.

We started a Book of Mormon challenge this week to read the 
Book of Mormon as a mission in 34 days, so these letters are basically
my small plates. When I get home ask and I will pull out my large plates(aka journal).
First one
On Tuesday we had planed to go and visit Dustin and
Ashely, we really prepared a great message that focused on families
and the Plan of Salvation, it was going to be great, so after all of
our preparation we went over and they weren't there. So we dropped by
later and caught them, the lesson did not go the way we had planned
they both don't have much of a religious background so they were
confused by even what I though was simple.  We threw our lesson plan out of the window. However, later that night we went and visited
a lady name Frieda. She is a lady that the sisters had met with a few
times before we got there. She was a pretty sweet lady from Texas. We
met with her on her porch and then we started to use the lesson plan
that we had prepared and she loved it! We ended up committing her to
go to the temple, and then to prepare for that to be baptized! So it
was pretty exciting!

We also had a great opportunity to help the family that is distantly
related to the elder Cummings. We went and helped them move their
son who lives in friendship New York. It was such a good opportunity
helping them.  We were having lunch with them and the
conversation turned to where they started talking about what happens
after this life, like purgatory and what it is. And then they turned
to us and asked us what we believed! We were very happy to explain
God's Plan of Salvation. It was a perfect opportunity! The Mother
after words told us we were welcome to come back any time to see her!

After that we went over to the cemetery
that has Sydney Rigdon's grave stone.  We cleaned the headstones to help the cemetery look a little better before some tours come over the summer.
It was something I never expected to do, but we got to do it!
 The very first person we met here in Wellsville was named Shane he
was open to learning more, but we just were never able to meet with
him. Well we stopped by on Friday, and he was home! He let us in!!  He turned
off his music and sat down ready to listen, as if he had been planning
on us. We taught the message of the restoration and he agreed with
everything and accepted the commitment to be baptized as well! He is a
sincere man! Now I just hope they can follow through because if they
do their lives will be changed for the better!

I am loving this area, there really is no place I would rather be! I
love you all so much and happy Memorial Day!
Elder Todd Houghton

Sunday, July 17, 2016

I Haven't Gotten That Far Yet May 23rd, 2016

Hello again!

I can't tell you how much I just love being a missionary and also
getting to just get out and do the work! Every day is an adventure
with new and random things happening. There is so much to tell you!

First  there is something called "cruel and unusual punishment", last
Tuesday was my last zone conference so they had me bear basically my
farewell testimony. Which is different because I still have lots of time to
be a missionary! It was a very powerful meeting, because it is also
President Francis last zone conference. Let's just say the spirit was
very strong and now I am just pumped to go as hard as I can!

Ok we have had some great experience, so we were going to go visit
someone that lived on Main Street where there is paid parking.  We
went and parked on the side street because we weren't paying for
parking! When we got out of the truck there was man kind of on the
other side of the road so we just said hello to him.  He looked at
us and walked over to us. Once he was close you could smell the
alcohol on his breath and he had badly burned skin.  He asked us
what we were doing? So we told him, but I wasn't really wanting to
spend to much time on him because you could tell he was very
intoxicated. His name was Robby and as he was talking to us he leans up
against the truck and was just chatting away. When a lady roles by in
her wheelchair and he looked and said "Hey that is my sister! Do you
want to go meet her?" We agreed and walked over with this guy and he
turned around and said, "hey don't say anything but she doesn't have any
legs, she was hit by a drunk driver." We got to meet Andrea and she
was just a wonderful ray of sunshine! We told her about the Hill
Cumorah Pagent and then about the restoration, and she told us how she
has been investigating other religions and how she likes to learn more
about them. So we set up a time to see her again on Friday at the

Friday came and we invited sister Moore, a member from the branch, to
come help us for the lesson. It was her first time going to a lesson
with missionaries and it was going to be Elder Cummings first sit down
lesson.  So it was a lot of first for everyone. As we were waiting I
wasn't sure if she would come but just at that moment she rolled up
in her wheel chair with a big smile on her face! Just that little scene
made my day!

Andrea has had a very hard life she used to be an alcoholic but has
been clean for ten years and because of all she has went through she
has a powerful testimony of God!The lesson was fantastic and she
really love the principles of the restoration and was just soaking it
all in! Sister Moore was such a big help as well! I don't think
members really understand how much it helps In a lesson when they are
there. After that lesson we had a thought pop in our heads to invite
her to a service project that next day where we were going to be
planting several flowers for that library. And she said she would love
So Saturday morning came around, we went over and just started weeding
We had all the elders from our district come and help
and we had several members from the branch come to help out, it was a
fantastic project. And guess who should up In her wheelchair and Work
gloves! Andrea!  It was wonderful for her and sister Moore was such a help. During that service project she got to make new friends and she
got to meet most of the branch, so that was just such a great
experience!  We will be seeing Andrea next Friday! Which I am really looking forward too! 

I just find it remarkable how the lord really can lead us to those who are prepared, even if it is through a drunk man!oh side note we saw Robby again the next day.  He offered to take us out to dinner which would have been
quite the experience, but as he talked to us the offer from taking us
to dinner turned to have us take him to our apartment and we would
make dinner tonight and he would take us out another night. Haha. It
was pretty funny.

One more neat miracle, we went and dropped by a less active members
house that didn't say much about him in the record. He lived out in
the boonies next to a couple Amish farms. So we got there and this man
was out in front so we asked him if he was Christopher and he got a
grin and said you finally caught me! And told us he had been there for
over 2 years and no one had caught him home, he said he had gotten
cards, a notes but no one had every gotten  him before. This man is
basically an investigator because he doesn't remember anything about
the church, so we told him about the Book of Mormon. It was funny-- we
asked him if he remembered anything about Nephi and Lehi and said "no
I haven't gotten that far yet," haha this man has a wife and four
kids and he was open to having us come by again! So that was just one
huge miracle! I am really excited about just all the great things we
are seeing!
I hope everything is going well for you all! Missions are the
greatest! And I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Todd Houghton

Happy Mother's Day May 9th 2016

Hello family!

It was so wonderful to see all of your wonderful beautiful faces! I am
seriously the luckiest missionary with the greatest family! It is always
such a boost to see you all!

I got to tell you about a few of the amazing experiences we have had this week! By far the coolest experience was going to Palmyra with Paco and his girlfriend who is a member from Florida! It was
absolutely beautiful!  All of the trees are blossoming and green wase = everywhere! I will have to send some more pictures because
it was just so great to be there then! We were heading back from the Sacred Grove and we asked Paco what he thought of
everything, and he said to us that he felt like he already knew
about these things before, and he felt good about everything. So we
asked him if he would be baptized and he said he would! :) It was a
wonderful experience!

Another neat experience we had this week happened on  exchanges in
Henrietta ,a suburb of Rochester.  We went and dropped by a potential
that had been found like a year ago but hadn't had any contact since.
So we knocked on the door and these two little dogs came bounding
around the corner and one started nipping at my ankles. ( Which made
me want to just kick the dog) but we waited for a second then this lady
answered.  She looked at us and invited us in. It really caught me off
guard, So we went in.  We sat on her couch and just started to talk
to her and learn about her life and who she is.  She then asked
what she could do for us? Which we were happy to tell her. We told her
we would like to share a message about the restoration of the church. 
 She agreed and we proceeded with the lesson. It was awesome!
Afterwards she told us we would not convert her but she was willing to learn. Which honestly is what they all say. We most certainly won't convert her but if she is willing to listen, and ponder and pray about the the things that are taught, then the spirit will do the rest!

There are a lot of changes coming here. Many of the people we have been working with are going home for the summer and members are going home and others are coming back! So it's a big changing time right now!

It is official I am getting transferred to my last area! (Most likely
unless something crazy happens) I am going to Wellsville! Which you
should know is the area everyone jokes about.  They say you're getting
banished to the boonies were the closest missionary is a 30 minute
drive away! I am so excited!

It was really cool this morning they did our transfer calls a little
different, instead of calling it through to each companionship they
had us a do a conference call so everyone could here about everything
for transfers! It was really cool having everyone on the same phone
I am super excited for the new changes! And I love you all so much!
Hope you have a wonderful week and next time I will be writing from
the middle of nowhere! :)
Elder Todd Houghton